Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is a Good Boy? says a good boy is:

good old boy or good ol' boy or good ole boy
Function: noun
Date: circa 1967
: a usually white Southerner who conforms to the values, culture, or behavior of his peers

Wrong. We're messin' with a capital G and B here.

The Boy is for that dude who's passion for Hip Hop and basketball help describe his style, common interests and hobbies. He is often involved in both cultures and has been highly influenced by them as well. Hip Hop and basketball do not RUN or CONSUME his life, but play a big role in their music tastes, attitude, competitive nature and ability to clown.

So what about the Good?

Good is for the Boy being a family man. Some would say Good Boy is a synonym for a "mommas boy", but that's not that true because 'mommas boys' carries a negative connotation of being soft and a pushover. Good Boys uphold a high standard of ambition, morale, integrity and education. While basketball, Hip Hop and females are extremely important, education, family and God must be the foundation of a Good Boy.

"Good Boy ain't a crew, it's an idea"


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